“I cannot live without books.”
- Thomas Jefferson, 1815

Winner of the“Maxwell” medal,  for "Best Breed Book of 2007,"as presented by the Dog Writers Association of America

"THE CAVALIER KING CHARLES SPANIEL, IN FACT AND FANCY is as much a work of art as a reference [and] deserves room on every Cavalier owner's coffee table...solid, relevant content, written elegantly and presented in a beautiful package. Consider it and its companion piece, The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: A Tribute in Art, essential to your Cavalier library."

from a review by Allan Reznik, November, 2007
Celebrity Judge on the hit CBS series "Greatest American Dog"
Editor, Dog World, Dog Fancy, and Dogs in Review magazines

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: A Tribute in Art
by Barbara Garnett-Wilson and Roy  A. Wilson
We were thrilled with this preview of our latest book, by one of the world's foremost authorities on the dog in fine art:

"The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: A Tribute in Art is a unique and important contribution to the literature of the breed it honors. Featuring nearly 200 pages of full-color images by an astonishing variety of artists, this 'must-have' book is a first-class compilation of exquisite works of art, carefully researched and chosen to capture the allure of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel over its 700-year heritage.

"Elegant, entertaining, and of meticulous quality, this celebration of Cavaliers in art is a delight to read, and I take pleasure in commending it―not just to dog fanciers, but to anyone who simply enjoys outstanding art."

Dr. Edgar Peters Bowron, Curator of European Art, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston,
and co-author of Best in Show: The Dog in Art from the Renaissance to Today